Sébastien Gaudette Géométrie Verticale

Sébastien Gaudette Géométrie Verticale

Géométrie Verticale

Exhibition: February 3 to 25, 2023
Vernissage and Artist-guided gallery tour: February 2 at 6 pm
Art Hive with Sébastien Gaudette (in-person): February 25, 10:30 am to 1 pm

The exhibition Géométrie Verticale is built around the themes of mimicry, trompe-l'oeil, gesture and trace. Sébastien Gaudette's artistic production could be described as a staging on paper between drawing, sculpture and writing. His conceptual premise is to explore the richness that emerges from the opposition of these three compositional systems and, by working with their contrasting but complementary natures, to create new a visual language that dwells in between these mediums. This work, executed with meticulous technical expertise, highlights the various approaches he takes to let materiality bring a new narrative dimension to the paper.

Born in Montreal, Sébastien Gaudette holds a bachelor's degree in visual and media arts from the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM). During his studies, he began researching the medium of paper, exploring the multiple facets of crumpling paper and creating perfect trompe-l'oeil drawings, writings and sculptures. Gaudette's work has been exhibited in various venues in Quebec, including the Musée de beaux arts à Sherbrooke and Musée de beaux arts à Mont-Saint-Hilaire, the Centre national d'exposition de Jonquière, the Cirque du Soleil and several Maisons de la culture in Montreal. He has been invited to exhibit at the Art Helix Gallery in Brooklyn, and has presented his work at several international fairs, including Art on Paper in Miami, the Seattle Art Fair and the Foire Papier in Montreal. The artist has also completed several research residencies in Quebec and the United States.
