Jessica Brouder

Jessica Brouder lives and works in Montreal. She holds an MFA in Medium and Material Based Art from the National Academy of the Arts in Oslo (Norway), an MA in Fine Art from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London (England), and a BFA in Fine Art – Painting from Limerick School of Art and Design (Ireland).

Brouder makes sculptural works and images with used and renewable materials that have been gathered locally. Her practice is a process of knowledge building through re-making objects that is rooted in a textile tradition.

Jessica Brouder has participated in many exhibitions in Europe and North America since 2003. Brouder has been awarded several prizes, grants and residencies including a residency at the Maison des métiers d’arts de Quebec (2022), Creation dans les arrondissments de Montreal grant – Conseil des arts de Montréal and CALQ (2021), Canada Council Travel Grant (2019) and an Emerging Artist Grant from the Norwegian Arts Council (2018).

Selected Work