Federico Cuartas-Aristizabal

As a child, my first contact with Art came through books, more specifically, with the bits of encyclopedia that appeared in the Sunday supplement of the newspaper. These glossy images were for me a constant source of joy and amazement. They were my first form of learning. So when the time came for me to choose a career there was no doubt in my mind about what I wanted to do, the only hitch remaining was: how? How does one go about doing art? The question still follows me around. Now, with a good ten years of working in the arts, I’m happy to say I don’t have an answer. Which is just another way of saying: it’s only the work that matters, the time invested, the feeling involved, and ultimately, the daily discipline.

I was born in Colombia in the year 1987, part of my childhood was spent in Seoul (South Korea), and the later part back in South America. I graduated from the Université de Montreal in 2010 with a degree in filmmaking and I have a Master’s in Visual & Fine Arts from La Universidad Nacional de Colombia. I’m currently living in Montréal working on my second Master, in English Literature. I’ve painted (almost) all my life and I haven’t gone a day without drawing since September 23, 2013.

Courses and Workshops

Watercolour I

Selected Work