
ARTreach is the Visual Arts Centre’s free community outreach programme. Through a variety of projects, we reach out to and creatively engage with different populations in the broader community. Our goal is to reach those who might not otherwise have the opportunity to participate in visual arts education. We have been actively involved in community outreach projects for over twenty-five years. We work collaboratively with other educational institutions, community organisations, independent artists, and social workers, lending our expertise to projects that embrace art as a means of community and individual well-being and social change. Our programs are constantly evolving.

McEntyre, 2019

Discover our ARTreach Programming

Each project is unique. We create partnerships and meaningful artistic experiences. Using a sensible approach, we engage with educational establishments, community organizations, independent artists, social workers and others.

Art Hives

The Visual Arts Centre hosts regular Art Hive events through a collaboration between the McClure Gallery and our ARTreach programme. Art Hives are free, drop-in community art making events, originally developed by Dr. Janis Timm-Bottos. They are open to anyone, at any age and any skill level.

Funding ARTreach

ARTreach is funded through a mix of grants and public support, including subsidies from private workshops and events. If you would like to know more or partner with us, please contact

A grateful thank you

We are deeply grateful to the many generous donors who have supported ARTreach. We extend a heartfelt thank you to an anonymous foundation for generously supporting the Intergenerational Art project, to Yellow Pad Sessions’ sponsorship of the McClure Gallery Art Hive, and to the City of Westmount, the Canada Council for the Arts and the Conseil des arts de Montréal for their support of ARTreach initiatives, including our Art Hive.

City of WestmountConseil des arts de MontréalConseil des arts du Canada